On a very cold december morning in 2005 we went to hastings to carry out some investigation into the site and how we could incorparate a new design and majke it fit in with the exsisting surroundings. Also i was looking at how the landscape around the ew design would be used in ways that how people would wind there way through the space, where people would park and all these ameniaties. But one thing that i hadnt taken into consideration was the way that natural light can have a majoutr effect on the way that tcertain infrastructure is placed around the site and how it can help to develop a better understandin of where warm and cool areas will be on the open space and also the natural light scource into the building itself.
As we were leveing hastings we stopped of in a town about half an hour away and the sun was just beginning to fall from the low dull winter sky, this must have been around 4ish. and the effect it had as the fire red coulours ignited the sky almost was amazing so i captured pictures of this to show how an open space can have its carateristics changed by the different types of weather.

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